Just in time production becomes used in many different industries from automotive to trucking. Not having to warehouse significant excess parts is a huge advantage to businesses wanting to focus not on their supply of parts, but on their assembly process. To do this, however, they have to find suppliers who can produce parts consistently and ensure they show up exactly when needed. 

This video shows an excellent example of how Roller Die works with our customers to provide just in time production. We purchase our raw materials and sometimes warehouse those materials, working with customers and suppliers to secure the best prices. We then set them up and stage the materials right next to the line where they will run. Once the part becomes run through, they come off the line. Heading out back to the truck waiting to take the latest delivery to our customer.

Many of our customers place significant orders for the parts they’ll need over the course of the year. Then ask that this become broken down into a series of smaller deliveries. With roll forming, there’s an upfront cost to build the appropriate tooling. Though access to our standard tooling library helps cut this cost for Roller Die customers. Then, there’s the cost of materials and labor. Once the tooling becomes designed or built, we can run the order and deliver it in batches that come to your facility just as you need them.

If you’re interested in learning more, reach out to our knowledgeable sales staff by calling (502) 804-5571or filling out our contact us form online. Someone will reach out to you quickly to tell you all about our products.