In addition to making parts for hospital beds, solar panels, trucks, racks, and other key items to help our healthcare workers and keep our economy rolling, Roller Die is interested in making Medtronic Ventilators and partnering with other companies to combine their capabilities and expertise to increase the national availability of this lifesaving device.

In addition to roll forming, we also offer stamping services and believe that would be the most cost effective way to manufacture a number of the parts. We use stamping for a number of different industries to further finish the parts we make.

When walking around the plant and talking to the workers on the floor, it’s evident they take pride in the parts that they make. Recently, in particular, the team making hospital bed rails knows that their work is having a direct and positive impact nationally. Being able to make ventilators would be another way our company could contribute to the fight.

If you’re interested in working with Roller Die + Forming to manufacture ventilators, or other important parts, reach out to us today. Our engineering team has reviewed the Medtronic plans and has a clear understanding of what it would take to create those parts.