Dear Customers,

Roller Dies Stock of ready to go metalsAs we’re sure you are aware, COVID-19 is impacting businesses and supply chains across the globe and CDC guidelines are changing daily. During this uncertain time, we want you to rest assured that Roller Die + Forming is still open for business and plans to remain open as long as possible.

In an effort to ensure our continued operations, we have instituted swing shifts to allow workers the flexibility they need to meet work, family, and healthcare demands. We have increased training and awareness on keeping our facility clean, and our process naturally facilitates social distancing. Our sales, customer service, and engineering teams are not travelling, but are still happy to help you place orders. We are limiting customer and supplier tours of our facilities at this point, but we have a lot of photos and videos of our plants to share to help you get a good idea of our set up and will be creating more great content to help educate and inform.

To ensure we can meet customer orders, we are ordering steel for all customers with open POs for the next 4-6 weeks. We will have the raw materials in our hands to meet demand.

Please feel free to reach out via email or phone if you have any questions about the status of your order or need help getting a new cross section up and running quickly.

Stay safe, take care of yourself, hug your family, and look around your community for the good you can do. In times of uncertainty is when the best of humanity shines through.


H. Ray Hammons, CEO
Roller Die + Forming