Many manufacturing operations follow lean methodology and have the parts they need for their assemblies delivered just in time, avoiding the costs of having to keep stock on hand. The engineers and plant managers at Roller Die + Forming work closely with customers wanting just in time delivery to ensure their needs are met.

After designing a communication system where the customer can easily share with the plant manager their average and upcoming needs, the team at Roller Die gets to work ensuring the daily or weekly demand is covered and that appropriate backup stock is on hand to fill in when a particularly high demand arrives.

The plant managers at our U.S. and Mexico facilities keep statistics on how well we’re doing with delivery and recently, our Louisville, Kentucky plant shared that for a certain customer, they were 99% or better for the entire year and the last three months had managed 100% on-time delivery. This means parts are going out the door right when they should and our quality control department makes sure every one of those parts will work for the customer.

If you’re interested in learning more about how Roller Die + Forming’s custom metal roll forming capacities and other in-line processes can help you, reach out to our experienced and knowledgeable sales team today.