Standard ToolingOne of the frequent questions for our engineering group is how customers can economize on their tooling costs by using Roller Die + Forming’s standard tooling library. Using our standard tooling library can save customers significant money on the upfront tooling costs for roll formed products. We always work closely with our customers to find economies so we can utilize their designs with our tooling whenever possible.

The standard tooling library primarily consists of the roll form tooling required to form the cross sections. While this represents the majority of the tooling costs, most projects still require custom punching and custom cut off dies. These are typically made to suit for each project. Since we have a fully integrated tool room at our Louisville, Kentucky plant, we are able to manufacture these punching dies and cut-offs in-house. Having this capability in the US, instead of outsourcing it to China, gives us control over the manufacturing and repairs of our tooling and means we can be responsive to customer needs.

What are Punching Dies?

punching diesPunching dies are used to put any necessary holes, notches, or other features into the metal before it’s rolled. As long as these holes aren’t placed too closely together on the part, Roller Die can engineer these punch tools to handle a variety of combinations. In the final production operation, the cut off tool gives your rolled shape a neat cut at just the right length.

The engineering team at Roller Die has a wealth of experience helping customers figure out the best ways to punch, roll, stamp, and cut to length the parts they need. They pride themselves on being responsive to requests for quotes and have set internal departmental goals for increasing the turn-around speed on getting quotes together for customers – especially those quotes that mainly use the standard tooling library. We aim to provide our customers with the information they need to design the roll formed parts they want.