Roller Dies Stock of ready to go metalsIf there is anything we know about the rest of 2020, we know it’s likely to continue to be a roller coaster ride. Economic predictions assume a rational, operating market and are having to adjust to the new status quo. At Roller Die + Forming, we have taken steps to ensure we’re positioned to meet the future. We’ve worked to increase the safety of our team, ensuring that they have access to protective equipment and enacting policies to try and prevent the spread of the coronavirus on the manufacturing floor. We’ve also worked with customers to pre-purchase raw materials, ensuring a supply so that delivery will continue.

Many of our customers use just-in-time delivery, placing orders shortly before they are needed and allowing the demand to fluctuate week by week. This allows them to quickly respond to changes in market conditions. Customer situations continue to change as some industries see consumer spending decrease while others have seen significant spikes in demand.

Planning for Uncertainty

Planning for uncertainty may also mean looking at your suppliers or in-house processes that have high overhead and consider changing suppliers or outsourcing. Roller Die is financially strong and operationally excellent. We provide backup for some clients when their current suppliers are unable to meet demand or provide consistency. We have also taken over in-house roll forming lines, allowing customers to see the advantages of roll forming without the overhead of maintaining and storing equipment.

Roller Die + Forming focuses on what we do best, making custom metal parts, allowing our customers to focus on their core products. To learn more about the different services we offer and how we can help you, reach out to a member of our sales team. We have standard tooling available to help cut up front costs and decades of experience crafting solutions for a wide variety of industries.