I think that material prices will stay unusually high during the next quarter, for the fall in the value of the US Dollar makes it very hard for any company to bring in Steel from other countries. Also, there will be demands, from other countries to purchase Steel and other products from the US.

I also wanted to add a word of caution to all the people who buy products from China. I heard of several people receiving products, not to specification. In some cases, it has cost these people double for they had to buy replacement parts, and in one case the person had to pay a daily fine for the project not being completed on time.

We have products that can support all of your needs, and we can provide you with mill certifications on all of your orders.

If China can send lead-based products on kids toys what would they do to your product to make it less expensive, and what would your nightmare look like if that were to happen, As my dad would say stop being “penny wise and pound foolish”.

Please call us for all of your roll forming needs.